Living on the Edge Scopes ~ September 2017 / Living on the Edge Scopes ~ September 2017

Living on the Edge Scopes ~ September 2017


Hello Gorgeous! (Yes YOU) Living on the edge has its rewards but having a little wings up from the universe is always helpful.

I intuitively interpret Life On the Edge scopes by tapping into my tribe of guides, my very own oracle of “Edge-isms”, a dash of tea leaf and coffee ground readings, a pinch of numerology, a spoonful of laughter and a heap of love!

If you feel like your inner psyche has had been thoroughly cleaned then you are most certainly not alone. Most of us just went through a major wash and spin cycle in August and many of us feel a little disoriented. September arrives like a breath of fresh air and now that the dust is settling from the things we didn’t surrender, but were still swept away by the powerful eclipses in August, we can breathe a sigh of relief. The old paradigms are fading away. Think of September as a big reset button from the universe and it’s all to make room for the exciting new energies coming in this month.  Now is the time to embark on a new adventure and put your new dream into motion.

Here is your flight plan for the month…


If you are starting off this month feeling a bit burdened, the good news is that clearing stuff away will bring you some luck—especially in the social arena. Now is the perfect time for you to adopt a weekly clearing ritual like burning sage, incense or whatever works for you. Something new is coming in that brings certainty or clarity about what you are ready to let go of.  You have knowledge to give others this month and a woman could also be influential in a new beginning or fresh start. Thinking creatively with a new spin or reworking a project can give you clear sight on the choices that will only open for you after you take care of those pesky little details.

If something happens to be gnawing away at you concerning an encounter with a friend, it’s okay to go on your own journey for a little while and recoup instead of personalizing it. This could actually bring a nice boost to your friendship that you didn’t see coming.

If you’re concerned about finances, it’s probably just because you are confused about how everything is going to work out, so try that clearing ritual I recommend and see if things don’t just literally clear up! You are feeling passionate about communicating with friends and your social circle could take up quite a bit of your time this month. There is some success around taking good care of yourself, both physically and spiritually. Say yes to yourself Aries! Abundance creates more abundance and you are known for your rock solid generosity and big heart, so go ahead and splurge (a little).

It would serve you well to tap into your inner wisdom to get clear on this new commitment coming to you in September. Nurture those Lightbulb moments. They give your mind great exposure to seeing things in a new way. I see lots of talk around your passion or livelihood and it should be music to your ears.



September opens up with some sort of consideration around a commitment. Tapping into spirit will bring you some luck and going on a short journey can give you some new perspective on an old situation. Try to get some rest and clear your mind. Cutting out the negative tape that is repeatedly running through your thoughts will help you tremendously too!

Advice from a friend helps you feel grateful and supported. This friend may also have a clever idea that gives you a lightbulb moment or a new perspective around your independence. There is a new beginning around your home as well. Listen to your heart.

Redecorating or reworking something in your home will bring a change you’ll be glad that you tried and it exposes something that you’ve wanted to come to fruition for a while.  A social gathering might bring on some confusion or obstacles and delays but there is some luck around this situation in the long run.

You may find that you have been gnawing away at yourself about your spiritual daily practice (or lack of it), but at the heart of the matter you are just trying to bring a dream to fruition. Tuning in to your own wisdom will clue you in to what you are not yet aware of. There is something that is leaving or shifting around your community, but in the end the choice you make concerning it actually puts you in a place of strength and authority. Say a solid yes to some decisions and you’ll find you have plenty of fish in the sea and a good flow of abundance. Communication is essential around something new that is testing you.

There’s a little detective work or research to be done about clearing up some of these messages so you can give them a rest and move forward. By end of this month you will be standing in your own power and feeling much more comfortable, which is exactly where you like to be the master of your universe!



I’m happy to inform you that this month comes in with a sea of abundant opportunities. Narrow down your options to what you really desire by going within and listening to your own wisdom. You’ll find pleasure in your career or passion by getting clear on what is not serving you or is actually sabotaging you.

Something hidden or secret will come to the surface and will just as quickly be swept away, good riddance!   Don’t let any doubts steer you from this new adventure as you are being seen and talked about in a new way and it’s gorgeous!  You’ll grab messages out of thin air (duh!) and strategize these into great inner strength and power and that will be long lasting. The changes the universe wants you to have now put you into your own authority and bring you a new social community. Don’t be worried about letting the old fall away. You’ve got a strong foundation.

New resources, new people and surprise transformation are your best allies right now and will expose you in a new way that will brilliantly illuminate your reputation and how you are seen in the world. Say yes to friends and social opportunities that come up suddenly.

Being too tied down to the “old you” shuts down other options and choices that will speak to you only after really listening to your own heart. There’s some wonderful success and synchronicity around your livelihood. If you were looking for a sign it should show up before October and Pumpkin Spice Latte (everything) arrive.



Your family ancestry and messages from the other side come to the forefront this month. This is not something tangible. You will have to really listen to your inner knowing, because this involves your destiny and faith. Standing in your own authority will be fortuitous for you. It’s as if your entire family lineage has come to honor you (energetically speaking).  You may feel very clear and certain that your dreams are eluding you from not having enough sleep.

If you are thinking of selling or moving from you current home, this will be a change for the better—so go for it. Be careful not to give your prized possessions away (Are you freaking kidding me? I can feel you holding on tightly in your crab shell!), but clearing clutter sweeps away the old energy and makes room for the new. There is only so much room in that Cancerian shell!

It’s okay if you feel confused this month. You have lots of choices, but it’s imperative that you get clear on which one speaks to your heart.  Making a commitment to someone will bring in new beginnings, with messages that could be quite lovely and long lasting. You’ll find that talking to someone about what’s on your mind, instead of bottling it in, will actually bring you some peace.  You will have a big burst of recognition, be it rewards, acknowledgements or gratitude from your community or social scene and this may surprise you, even though it’s long overdue.

Embrace the praise and messages coming in. This could even be around your profession and finances which will feel much more stable. This new self-exposure may not only come from the people in your life, but from the universe as well. There is a special message for you so make a conscious effort to look for serendipitous events or occurrences. These are meant to get your attention and only you can know what gifts these bring to you. If something leaves at this time, let it go, wish it well and know it is making space for something wonderful and playful to come to you by Halloween.



Well Leo, you’ve certainly been in the spot light this summer and with fall on its way I don’t see a dimmer switch in your future. September is all about communication and comes in with messages around your passion with plenty of luck around abundance—especially your cash flow.

You might be feeling especially creative this month and there will be lots of little discussions. I see a lot of talking, tweeting and texting all around your current journey and there is also something you are sweeping out of your home environment. Let it go! You’ll be glad you did.  Making some healthier choices around your wellbeing will give you an even more of that sun-kissed Leo glow. You’ll have a bright idea that will please you but don’t be tempted to act too quickly.

Something around the written word or writing will give you a new strategy relating to your livelihood or passion. Knowing when something is over will give you strength and power and lead you into a new journey. A friend might just message you with a social invitation. This could quickly put you in a new and more positive direction. Once you get clear around the details, you’ll havea lightbulb moment and your dimmer switch will be on a full throttle YES!

If you tune in to your wisdom and let time take its course, you could be very pleased with your professional reputation and the way you are seen in the world.  A sense of pride comes naturally to you and September appears to have you feeling over the moon and basking in the sun all at the same time—just where any self-respecting Leo likes to be!



This is your time to shine and show your wisdom.  Many Virgos can be quite critical of themselves and are sticklers for details, but this month you will have some luck if you can just lighten up on yourself. You’ve got deep roots and provide that wonderful earth energy to others. They will appreciate you for those qualities this month.

A change for the better comes to your home environment and serendipitous occurrences through conversations will bring you certainty and boost your self-confidence. You’ve been feeling a bit “behind the scenes” for a while now and September comes with many new and exciting adventures which will truly feel like a gift. You are very solid in your personal power this month.

Getting clear that you are not only the star in the movie, you ARE the movie, will bring an illuminating moment.  Some solitude and quiet time is needed.  If a friend offers you an invite around something spiritual, go for it because it will strengthen your own authority. A social gathering in your work environment might be more about redundancy than fun and a little patience will go a long way. It’s time to make a decision about exposing something around your livelihood or friends. In the end, following your heart will give you the answers you’ve been looking for.

Don’t be surprised if you get news of a journey.  This could be for a weekend excursion or a full blown vacation.  Keeping the faith all month long and getting clear about your dreams is a great way of honoring yourself. You’ll have access to much more freedom now, especially around a commitment you recently made.  Something new is just around the corner, so get rid of any unwanted baggage and nurture yourself. Be methodical and practical (you love those details so this should be easy for you).  When messages and communication come in quickly, don’t jump at the first opportunity. The one that feels like it honors you the most is setting the foundation for October. You’ll be glad you were extra picky!



Making a commitment to truly honor yourself and how you are seen in the world will give you that extra boost of faith you’ve been looking for. Getting rock solid on the gifts in your world and what, as well as who, you have to feel grateful for, is really valuable. You will make it crystal clear exactly who or what needs to go. You will feel more at home and comfortable in your own skin when you make a choice on what has to end and only then can something new begin. Putting yourself first and really taking the time to discover your needs will bring you great strength and fortitude. Resting and relaxing and discussing your thoughts with a good friend will bring you back to yourself. These conversations could revolve around your career, which for many of you Libras will be foremost on your mind. You could also be discussing travel, relocation or a promotion (through either work or your past efforts) that involves a lot of time away from home.

Your heart has a message for you and it wants you to know that the key is to not worry about being confused. Trust that in NOT knowing, it is actually serving your highest good at this time. Only through giving things a rest will you get clear. It’s the old adage “Can’t see the forest for the trees”. When you’re well rested and have stepped away, if only for a little while, you will be ready to move forward feeling refreshed and revived and you’ll feel much more enthusiasm and power in your world.

An animal totem may make itself known to you this month. Look for hints around you and watch for signs. If an animal crosses you, shows up in a dream or if you notice recurring themes or symbols, look up its meaning, and receive the message.



September begins with documents and details.  Clearing this out early in the month will bring you some luck and open up your abundance and creativity. Your home and family life looks very promising and full of inspirational gifts. Proceed with caution and get rock solid on what is not working for you. If something has been wearing away at a friendship for a long time, now there will finally be some  new refreshing options. Discussing these options with someone of knowledge or authority can give you clear insights on what spirit has been trying to tell you all along.

Brainstorming with a work buddy gets the creative juices flowing and also makes you clear on exactly where you want to be heading. Cutting away any confusion and tapping into your wisdom and grace will help you make this decision.

You’ve got great strength and support surrounding you this month, so  don’t spend your time worrying because your star is sparkling brighter than you could imagine and all will be revealed in due time.  Still waters run deep.  Even when those waters are testing you, it’s easier to go with the flow and let go.  There is something beautiful and peaceful in surrendering.  Tranquility is created by taking a break, sneaking away from obligations and listening to your heart’s desire. After you’ve had a reprieve, saying yes and making a solid commitment to something new will boost your finances and brighten your entire world.



What a wonderful month you have in store! September comes in bearing gifts and it’s all about self- care. You have come a long way in 2017. This month, diving into loving yourself and a journey of nurturing your body and health will truly feed your soul. Making choices and decisions will bring you some certainty about who and what has to go.

You are truly ending a major chapter in your life and it is spectacular. The more you can commit to yourself and not get wrapped up in others energy, the more you will be anchoring into yourself and your true strengths.

Communicating on social media, tweets, emails etc. brings a lovey change. Your ability to stand in your grace at social gatherings makes way for a promotion and change that’s been gnawing at you for some time. Finally you’ve got the gumption and the universal back-up to take your life by the balls (or wings!) and let your star shine. Take out one of your besties and celebrate this journey with them. They are proud and happy for you and chances are, they believed in you when you didn’t believe in yourself.

Tranquility comes when you get grounded and cut the old and unwanted away. That’s the key to honoring yourself —speeding ahead full force, now that you’ve cleaned out the cobwebs. You would be wise to amp up your spiritual practice, because those dreams and messages that have been eluding you will expose themselves once that karmic crap is blown out of your presence. It has literally been cleaned up this month!  The past is dead and gone. You are now ready and able to love yourself on a new, profound level. It could be the highlight of your life. You did it! Take a moment to acknowledge your hard work, because you’re not going to have a lot of time next month for anything but progress. You won’t be looking back at this year again. There is too much great stuff ahead of you!



This month there is a lot of discussion around climbing those obstacles and mountains (Well looky who has the mastery of cliff hanging, Cap!). Finally, a burden or something that has been festering, will resolve itself.

You are a dear, loyal friend and have so much to offer the people in your world. You truly do make those around you feel loved and secure. At this time, letting those people find their own carabiners and ropes would be of great benefit to you.  It’s clear that you can actually hang out on those cliffs alone. Let others expectations of you and their co-dependency go.

This is the key to your success this month.
The gift you give the world is your stability and tenacity, but be careful of over-committing yourself to others. Rest and revive this month and ponder on your true passion and what brings you joy. This will be time well spent. The stars shine brightly on you and illuminate you by clearing out obstacles and delays around your family or home. You are not the Rock of Gibraltar and it’s time others start climbing some mountains alone.

Standing in your own authority will bring a new sense of faith. Some people might not recognize or feel comfortable with these speedy changes that you are embracing.  Remember— it’s your journey, not theirs. You don’t need to explain yourself. You will find great peace and satisfaction in reading or writing. Journaling will bring you solace as well as bear witness to the new you that you are embracing— much more than someone holding you to old paradigms.



September might start off with a bit of confusion and you might feel like your head is in the clouds. Letting go of something will bring you some luck. There are some new things coming in around your family and friends and this will make you feel content. You will also have some certainty around your livelihood but you may be tempted to go against your gut, so get clear on what it is you really want because your inner wisdom knows exactly what to commit to.

Be mindful of your health and clear out anything that is not making feel good in your diet. Joining a gym or health group on social media will aid you in this. You need to rest and rejuvenate and up your intake of “green” food. You’ll feel revived if you do. A true friend or love interest honors you and assists you in getting in touch with your own authority.

There will decisions made in September. Don’t worry yourself over them, just be thorough and extra smart. You might not realize it yet, but you are gifted with the ability to research many things and hone in on the perfect solution that will bring you peace. A fall shopping spree could bring you just the lift you’ve been looking for and soon you will need to look extra stylish at the workplace. There is a possibility of a promotion or even being relocated to another department which will please you. So say “yes” to anything you feel might be ending.

Finances will open up giving you some freedom and choices. If your home life is testing you, try speaking to a life coach, 12 advisor or a role model. There is a special message from the universe and this could help you get clear. By discussing it with the right person, you’ll gain guidance and insight which will help you attain your goal and with it, happiness.



Connections and conversations with family and dear friends will be a big part of September. Your spirit guides and ancestors are particularly close to you right now as well. New revelations will come in quickly and you’ll be grateful for them.

Be cautious about working too many long hours or over extending yourself. Constantly pushing yourself can wear you down and eat away at your ability to see things clearly. When you gain clear insight on the amount of strength you’ve put into something that isn’t working, you’ll feel solid and sure about letting it go.

An intimate social event promises a night under the stars with a loyal friend or lover. Don’t burden yourself with the details. Enjoy, relax and take some time to look up into the night sky and dream. And when you do, don’t dream small— dream BIG! Work with your Solar Plexus Chakra (The “I can” Chakra). Wearing and eating the color yellow will be very beneficial for you and you will beam sunshine from the inside out. The world needs more light workers and your glow will be contagious! You have an inner light guiding you on your spiritual journey and committing yourself to a spiritual practice by  being more quiet and reflective this month will be the way to stock up all the energy you’ll need for a new adventure in October.

Keep your wings up!

Written by angelwanedge
