The Gift of Thanks – CWBA / The Gift of Thanks – CWBA

The Gift of Thanks – CWBA

We are so excited that Alison Zinn of the Colorado Women’s Bar Association gave the wonderful women on her Board of Directors Angel with an Edge pins. Below is the note that came with the pins and pictures of them receiving them. Thank you Alison!

As a token of my appreciation for your service on the CWBA Board of Director’s this year, I have little something for you but I’d like to share the background of this gift first.

Elizabeth Lindsey is an artist – specifically a jewelry designer.  She is an amazing artist but also has this incredible energy and passion for treating everyone with fairness and dignity – when you put good out into the world, you get it back.  Of course it is easier said than done.  Elizabeth has been working on a movement (which will ultimately become a foundation) called Angel with an Edge.

Elizabeth’s vision is as follows: she is tired of the intolerances in the world and she is passionate about bringing together like-minded souls (in a broader sense) to be united in treating every person with dignity and respect.   The AWE pin is a symbol of this movement…Putting on that little Angel with An Edge pin is not only a statement about this movement it says….. ‘I’m not perfect, neither are you, but I believe in your rights as a citizen of this planet.  I am going to embrace my own imperfections and yours too.  I know we are all of the edge of something – good or bad – and let’s acknowledge each other’s journey.’

We are all living on the edge of something – something good or something bad.  This pin is about acknowledging this fact about ourselves and in one another.  Even though Elizabeth’s movement is still taking shape, I think the message is a beautiful and I hope you think of the message, your service, and this board when you wear it.  I also hope you remember that you were instrumental in making the CWBA what it is today and putting it on the Edge of being the best it has ever been.  Finally and perhaps, more importantly, I want you to look at “our edge” as women in this world.  You are a part of what moves us forward and what keeps the conversation on the tips of tongues.  Thank you. – Alison Zinn

Written by angelwanedge
